Paint & Coating Test Instruments

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Rekisteröidy tästä saadaksesi päivitykset ja uutiset

Tuotteen Kuvaus:

Qualtechin tuoteteollisuus Infrapunaheijastusmittari on ammattilainen Desktop Reflectance Measurement Device with automatic calibration to measure the Reflectance ja Reflective Color in the Infrared Wavelength Range of samples and sample surfaces including solar panels, electronic board coatings, silicon wafers, surface coatings, aluminum mirrors, pigments, glass mirrors, paint films, foils, paper, cardboard, plastic, pastes, powders, ceramics, textiles, glass, wood, metal, ink, paint and related sample materials.

Tämä Solar Reflectance Meter on ammattilainen Reflectance Measurement Instrument ja Reflectance Measurement Spectrophotometer kanssa Reflectance Measurement Sensors, an Optical Integrative Reflective Sphere, a seamless PC Connectivity and PC Software and includes a Calibration Standard to ensure the high accuracy of your sample measurements at the touch of a button.

Reflectance is the capability of a surface to reflect Incident Light määritetyn kanssa Valon aallonpituus at a specified Angle of Incidence and a specified Polarization.

The Reflectance Spectrum osoittaa Wavelength of the Reflection and is presented as a Spectral Reflectance Curve tai a Spectral Reflectance Graph.

Incident Light On Light which falls on a surface with a specific Valon aallonpituus, it can be Natural Light tai Artificial Light, for example, an Infrared Light Source.

Tämä korkean tarkkuuden Infrapunaheijastusmittari ja Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometer offers different Reflectance Measurement Programs and seamless PC-Connectivity and a PC Software  to conveniently analyze Reflectance Measurement Results and export and store data on your Laboratory PC Network or on your Laptop for additional data analysis, data documentation, data presentation, data storage, data sharing and much more.

Tämä ammattilainen Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometer is designed and engineered offering the newest microchip technology combined with a high-precision Reflectance Measurement Camera, instant Reflectance Measurement, instant Reflectance Analysis, high-precision Reflectance Camera 45°, Reflectance Integrating Sphere 8° and 90°, wide range of Automatic Online Industrial Detection Programs, Spectral Reflectance Color Measurement and Spectrophotometry, L*a*b Reflectance Color Measurement, XYZ Reflectance Color Measurement, advanced high-precision Light Source, Sample Measurement Wavelength 250nm - 1700nm, optional Wavelength Customization available, user-friendly Application, intuitive Menu Navigation, a user-friendly Sample Handling, an ergonomic Design, reliable Performance, a seamless PC-Connectivity and PC-Software for advanced data management, sample data analysis, data presentation, data sharing and much more.

This professional Solar Reflectance Meter is designed and engineered in accordance with international test standards including:

Solar Reflectance Meter - Application:

The Infrapunaheijastusmittari on ammattilainen Desktop Reflectance Measurement Device with automatic calibration to measure the Reflectance and the Reflective Color in the Infrared Wavelength Range of samples and sample surfaces including solar panels, electronic board coatings, silicon wafers, surface coatings, aluminum mirrors, pigments, glass mirrors, paint films, foils, paper, cardboard, plastic, pastes, powders, ceramics, textiles, glass, wood, metal, ink, paint and related sample materials.

Tämä Solar Reflectance Meter on edistynyt Reflectance Measurement Instrument ja Reflectance Measurement Spectrophotometer with two Reflectance Measurement Sensors, a seamless PC Connectivity and PC Software and includes a Calibration Standard to ensure the high accuracy of your sample measurements at the touch of a button.

Reflectance is the capability of a surface to reflect Incident Light määritetyn kanssa Valon aallonpituus, at a specified Angle of Incidence and a specified Polarization.

The Reflectance Spectrum osoittaa Wavelength of the Reflection and is presented as a Spectral Reflectance Curve tai a Spectral Reflectance Graph.

Incident Light On Light which falls on a surface with a specific Valon aallonpituus, it can be Natural Light tai Artificial Light.

The advanced and professional Reflectance Measurement ja Reflectance Analysis includes Infrared Reflectance Spectrum Measurement, Color Selection for Color Samples, Spectral Reflectance Measurement of solid samples and powder samples, Reflectivity Measurement of Reflective Film and Non-Reflective Film, Standard Reflectance Measurement, Optical Lens Reflectivity Measurement, Phosphor Detection, Solar Panel Measurement, Textile Measurement and Fabric Measurement, Chemical Reflectance Monitoring, Chemical Analysis and much more.

Reflective Color Spectrophotometer - Features:

  • Uusin mikrosirutekniikka
  • Newest Light Source Technology
  • Newest Camera Technology
  • High-Precision Reflectance Camera 45°
  • Reflectance Integrating Sphere 8° & 90°
  • Instant Reflectance Measurement
  • Instant Reflectance Analysis
  • Infrared Reflectance Spectrum Analysis
  • Color Selection & Analysis of Color Samples
  • Spectral Reflectance Analysis of solid samples & powder samples
  • Reflectivity Measurement of Reflective Film & Non-Reflective Film
  • Standard Reflectance Measurement
  • Optical Lens Reflectivity Measurement
  • Phosphor Detection
  • Solar Panel Analysis
  • Textile Analysis & Fabric Analysis
  • Chemical Reflectance Monitoring
  • Chemical Analysis
  • Määritä opasiteetti ja piiloteho yhdellä painikkeen painalluksella
  • Automaattinen kalibrointi
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen sovellus
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen näytteenkäsittely
  • Intuitiivinen valikon navigointi
  • Saumaton PC-yhteys ja PC-ohjelmisto
  • Ammattimainen sovellus
  • Suuri tarkkuus ja korkea tarkkuus
  • Ergonominen muotoilu ja luotettava suorituskyky
  • Engineered in accordance with international test standards including ASTM 97, ASTM 1347, ASTM D4212, ISO 2814, ISO 3905, ISO 3906, ISO 6504-1, ISO 7724, DIN5033, BSI 13900-D4

Infrapunaheijastusmittari – Tekniset tiedot:

Mittausalue0 - 100.0%0 - 100.0%0 - 100.0%
Measurement Wavelength250nm - 800nm400nm - 1000nm900nm - 1700nm
Customized Measurement WavelengthValinnainen saatavanaValinnainen saatavanaValinnainen saatavana
MittausmenetelmäHigh-Precision Reflectance Camera 45°
Reflectance Integrating Sphere 8° & 90°
High-Precision Reflectance Camera 45°
Reflectance Integrating Sphere 8° & 90°
High-Precision Reflectance Camera 45°
Reflectance Integrating Sphere 8° & 90°
Wavelength Interval1nm1nm1nm
Reflection of Integrated Sphere>98%>98%>98%
Newest Light Source TechnologyJooJooJoo
High Precision Photo SensorsJooJooJoo
Automaattinen kalibrointiJooJooJoo
Suuri tarkkuus ja korkea tarkkuusJooJooJoo
Käyttäjäystävällinen sovellusJooJooJoo
Käyttäjäystävällinen näytteenkäsittelyJooJooJoo
Intuitiivinen valikon navigointiJooJooJoo
Saumaton PC-yhteys ja PC-ohjelmistoJooJooJoo
Pitkä akunkestoJooJooJoo
Ergonominen muotoilu ja luotettava suorituskykyJooJooJoo
Engineered in accordance with international test standards ASTM 97, ASTM 1347, ASTM D4212, ISO 2814, ISO 3905, ISO 3906, ISO 6504-1, ISO 7724, DIN5033, BSI 13900-D4

Infrared Reflectance & Opacity Spectrophotometer – Mukana olevat tuotteet:

  • Infrared Reflectance Meter & Infrared Opacity Spectrophotometer
  • Kalibrointistandardi
  • Huolellisesti kalibroitu
  • Kalibrointitodistus
  • Laatusertifikaatti
  • Pidennetty takuu
  • Elinikäinen tuki
  • Ohjekirja

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Yksi asiantuntijoistamme vastaa kyselyysi pian. Vaihtoehtoisesti voit ottaa meihin yhteyttä yritystietojen kautta Yhdysvalloissa, Australiassa tai Isossa-Britanniassa.

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