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Tuotteen Kuvaus:

Qualtechin tuoteteollisuus Vesihöyryn läpäisevyyden testeri on tarkkuutta Automatic Water vapor Permeability Analyzer arvioimaan Permeability of Porous Samples napin painalluksella.

Tämä ammattilainen Water Vapor Permeability Analyzer is a fully automatic Water Vapor Permeability Tester and is engineered to measure the Vapor TransmissionBarrier Materials kanssa Low Moisture Barrier Properties, Medium Moisture Barrier Properties and High Moisture Barrier Properties offering a wide testing range combined with an excellent testing efficiency. The high-precision Sample Area integrates a high-precision Balance and analyses porous samples with high accuracy and high precision and performs a detailed sample test analysis with the included advanced PC Software. Temperature and Humidity and Water Vapor are measured with highest accuracy and sample test reports are automatically generated in PDF format.

Instantly and automatically measure the Water Vapor Transmission Rate WVTR of a wide range of samples including, Plastic Films, Foils, Aluminum Foils, Membranes, Ceramics, Sheet Materials, Rubber, Medical Pads, Pharmaceutical Membranes, Pharmaceutical Fabrics and many more. 

The Water Vapor Permeability is the ability of Water Vapor to permeate and penetrate Solid Porous Samples. The Water Vapor is usually called Permeate.  The Water Vapor Permeability is a physical property which is determined by the combination of Permeability of the sample, the Mass Diffusivity of the sample and the Concentration Gradient -lta Water Vapor.

The Water Vapor Permeability Test Method on Gravimetric Test to analyze the Transmission RateWater Vapor through Solid Porous Samples. A precision engineered reservoir is filled with a desiccant or with distilled water. Under specified controlled temperature and humidity conditions the weight of the water reservoir is continuously measured to analyze the Water Vapor Permeability of samples.

Tämä ammattilainen Water Vapor Permeability Analyzer is designed and engineered offering the newest microchip technology combined with a large Color Touchscreen, fully-automated testing, Automatic Calibration, independently certified high accuracy, user-friendly application, intuitive Menu Navigation, user-friendly sample handling, automatic test analysis,, Automatic Constant Temperature System with Automatic Temperature Compensation and a precision of 0.1°C, Real-Time Monitoring including Graphic Test Curves and Water Vapor Transmission Rate and Water Vapor Concentration and Temperature and Humidity, Graphic Test Curves support test queries presenting background data, automatic preparation of Test Reports in PDF format, pioneer Technology in Water Vapor Pressure Management with Water Vapor Pressure Compensation and automatic and adjustable Pressure, Simultaneous Testing of up to three Samples, Automatic Test Programs including Low Permeability Test and Medium Permeability Test and High Permeability Test, High Accuracy and High Precision of 0.001g/(m2·24h) and a test range of up to 10000 g/m2·24h, High Precision Sensors, High Accuracy & High Precision, seamless PC-Connectivity & PC Software, integrated Safety Features, reliable performance, ergonomic Design and much more.

Tämä ammattilainen Water Vapor Analyzer can be used with a wide range of Desiccants ja Hygroscopic Substances mukaan lukien Vesi and automatically measures the Water Vapor Transmission Rate WVTR of a wide range of samples including, Plastic Films, Foils, Membranes, Composite Films, Aluminum Films, Aluminum Foils, Ceramics, Sheet Materials, Panels, Rubber, Packaging Containers, Glass, Solar Panels, Chemical Medical Fabrics, Medical Pads, Pharmaceutical Membranes, Pharmaceutical Fabrics and many more. 

This professional Water Vapor Permeability Tester is designed and engineered in accordance with international test standards including:

Vesihöyryn läpäisevyyden testeri - Sovellus:

The Vesihöyryn läpäisevyyden testeri on tarkkuutta Automatic Water vapor Permeability Analyzer arvioimaan Permeability of Porous Samples napin painalluksella.

The Water Vapor Permeability is the ability of Water Vapor to permeate and penetrate Solid Porous Samples. The Water Vapor is usually called Permeate.  The Water Vapor Permeability is a physical property which is determined by the combination of Permeability of the sample, the Mass Diffusivity of the sample and the Concentration Gradient -lta Water Vapor.

The Water Vapor Permeability Test Method on Gravimetric Test to analyze the Transmission RateWater Vapor through Solid Porous Samples. A precision engineered reservoir is filled with a desiccant or with distilled water. Under specified controlled temperature and humidity conditions the weight of the water reservoir is continuously measured to analyze the Water Vapor Permeability of samples.

Tämä Water Vapor Test can be used with a wide range of Desiccants ja Hygroscopic Substances mukaan lukien Vesi and automatically measures the Water Vapor Transmission Rate WVTR of a wide range of samples including, Plastic Films, Foils, Membranes, Composite Films, Aluminum Films, Aluminum Foils, Ceramics, Sheet Materials, Panels, Rubber, Packaging Containers, Glass, Solar Panels, Chemical Medical Fabrics, Medical Pads, Pharmaceutical Membranes, Pharmaceutical Fabrics and many more. 

Gas Permeability Analyzer - Ominaisuudet:

  • Uusin mikrosirutekniikka
  • Suuri värillinen kosketusnäyttö
  • Fully-automated Water Vapor Permeability Analysis
  • Automaattinen kalibrointi
  • Independently certified High Accuracy
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen sovellus
  • Intuitiivinen valikon navigointi
  • Käyttäjäystävällinen näytteenkäsittely
  • Automatic Test & Sample Analysis
  • Automatic Constant Temperature System with Automatic Temperature Compensation & a precision of 0.01°C
  • Real-Time Monitoring including Graphic Test Curves & Water Vapor Transmission Rate & Water Vapor Concentration & Temperature & Humidity
  • Graphic Test Curves support test queries presenting background data
  • Automatic preparation of Test Reports in PDF format
  • Pioneer Technology in Water Vapor Pressure Management with Water Vapor Pressure Compensation &  automatic and adjustable Pressure
  • Simultaneous Testing of up to 3 Samples
  • Automatic Test Programs including Low Permeability Test & Medium Permeability Test & High Permeability Test
  • High Accuracy & High Precision of 0.001 g/m2·24h & a test range of up to 10000 g/m2·24h
  • High Precision Sensors
  • Suuri tarkkuus ja korkea tarkkuus
  • Saumaton PC-yhteys ja PC-ohjelmisto
  • Integroidut turvaominaisuudet
  • Ergonominen muotoilu ja luotettava suorituskyky
  • Engineered in accordance with international test standards including ASTM E96/E96M, ASTM D1653, TAPPI T464, ISO2528, DIN53122-1

Automaattinen vesihöyryn läpäisevyyden analysaattori - Tekniset tiedot:

Uusin mikrosirutekniikkaJooJoo
Suuri värillinen kosketusnäyttöJooJoo
Test Range0.1 - 10000 g/m2·24h0.1 - 10000 g/m2·24h
Tarkkuus0.001 g/m2·24h0.001 g/m2·24h
Lämpötila-alue15°C - 55°C15°C - 55°C
Temperature Accuray0,1 °C0,1 °C
KosteusalueDry Method ≤10% RHDry Method ≤10% RH
Kosteuden tarkkuus±1% RH±1% RH
Sample Test Area50.24 cm²50.24 cm²
Näytteen paksuus≤3mm≤3mm
Advanced Accuracy & Excellent RepeatabilityJooJoo
Yhdenmukaiset ja luotettavat testitulokset useilla laitteillaJooJoo
Riippumattoman sertifioitu huipputason tarkkuusJooJoo
Simultaneous TestingUp to 3 Samples simultaneouslyUp to 6 Samples simultaneously
Advanced Sensor increasing sensitivity & measurement speed & stabilityJooJoo
Automaattinen kalibrointiJooJoo
Laadukkaat materiaalit takaavat pitkän käyttöiänJooJoo
Suuri integroitu muistiJooJoo
Käyttäjäystävällinen sovellusJooJoo
Käyttäjäystävällinen intuitiivinen valikon navigointiJooJoo
Käyttäjäystävällinen näytteenkäsittelyJooJoo
Instant Water Vapor Permeability AnalysisJooJoo
Suuri tarkkuus ja korkea tarkkuusJooJoo
Saumaton PC-yhteys ja PC-ohjelmistoJooJoo
Ergonominen muotoilu ja luotettava suorituskykyJooJoo
Jännite100VAC - 240VAC 50Hz/60Hz100VAC - 240VAC 50Hz/60Hz
Engineered in accordance with international test standards including ASTM E96/E96M, ASTM D1653, TAPPI T464, ISO2528, DIN53122-1

Automatic Water Vapor Permeability Testaaja – Mukana olevat tuotteet:

  • Automaattinen vesihöyrynläpäisevyyden testeri
  • Lisätarvikkeet
  • Laatusertifikaatti
  • Huolellisesti kalibroitu
  • Kalibrointitodistus
  • Ohjekirja
  • Pidennetty takuu

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